Projections are a powerful feature in Spawn that allow users to create actors of type projection. These actors enable you to create specialized views of state derived from one or more sourceable actors. This is especially useful for querying and aggregating data efficiently.
This document explains how to:
A sourceable actor is an actor whose state serves as the data source for projection actors. To make an actor sourceable, set the attribute sourceable: true
when defining the actor.
A projection actor is a specialized actor that creates views or queries based on the state of one or more sourceable actors. These actors use Protobuf definitions to specify:
Sourceable actors are regular actors with the additional sourceable: true
attribute. Below is an example using the Elixir SDK:
syntax = "proto3";
package inventory;
import "spawn/actors/extensions.proto";
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
message WarehouseProductState {
string product_id = 1 [(spawn.actors.actor_id) = true]; // Unique ID
string warehouse_id = 2; // Deposit ID
string name = 3; // Product name
int32 quantity = 4; // Quantity in stock
message ProductUpdate {
string product_id = 1; // Unique ID matching deposit and product
string warehouse_id = 2; // Deposit ID
int32 quantity = 3; // New quantity
string name = 4; // Product name
service WarehouseProductActor {
// Setting the actor as sourceable
option ( = {
stateful: true
state_type: ".inventory.WarehouseProductState",
// here we are indicating that the state of this actor
// can be captured by any projection actor that is interested
sourceable: true
// RPC to update the status of a product in the warehouse
rpc UpdateProduct(.inventory.ProductUpdate) returns (.google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v1/products"
body: "*"
defmodule MyAppxample.Actors.WarehouseProductActor do
use SpawnSdk.Actor, name: "WarehouseProductActor"
alias Inventory.{WarehouseProductState, ProductUpdate}
alias Google.Protobuf.Empty
action("UpdateProduct", fn %Context{} = ctx, %ProductUpdate{} = update ->
# Process the update and change the product state
new_state = %WarehouseProductState{
product_id: update.product_id,
quantity: update.quantity,
warehouse_id: update.warehouse_id
|> Value.state(new_state)
|> Value.noreply!()
Projection actors also are defined using Protobuf. A typical Protobuf file for a projection actor includes attributes to specify:
: Defines the actor as a projection.subjects
: Lists sourceable actors and their respective actions.spawn.actors.view
: Specifies query configuration for creating views.syntax = "proto3";
package inventory;
import "spawn/actors/extensions.proto";
message ProductInventory {
string product_id = 1 [(spawn.actors.actor_id) = true]; // Product ID
string name = 2 [(spawn.actors.searchable) = true]; // Product name
string warehouse_id = 3 [(spawn.actors.searchable) = true]; // Warehouse ID
int32 quantity = 4; // Quantity in stock
message ProductQuery {
string product_id = 1; // Product ID
message WarehouseQuery {
string warehouse_id = 1; // Warehouse ID
message GeneralInventoryResponse {
repeated ProductInventory inventory = 1; // Consolidated list of products
__NOTE__: The [(spawn.actors.searchable) = true]
option tells the Spawn proxy to index this field, so that searches for this attribute are optimized.
syntax = "proto3";
package inventory;
import "spawn/actors/extensions.proto";
// others omit import for brevity...
service InventoryProjectionActor {
option ( = {
stateful: true
state_type: ".inventory.ProductInventory"
subjects: [
{ actor: "WarehouseProductActor", source_action: "UpdateProduct", action: "Consolidate" }
rpc QueryProduct(.inventory.ProductQuery) returns (.inventory.GeneralInventoryResponse) {
option (spawn.actors.view) = {
query: "SELECT product_id, name, warehouse_id, SUM(quantity) FROM projection_actor WHERE product_id = :product_id GROUP BY product_id, name, warehouse_id"
map_to: "inventory"
rpc QueryWarehouse(.inventory.WarehouseQuery) returns (.inventory.GeneralInventoryResponse) {
option (spawn.actors.view) = {
query: "SELECT product_id, name, warehouse_id, quantity FROM projection_actor WHERE warehouse_id = :warehouse_id"
map_to: "inventory"
rpc QueryAllProducts(.google.protobuf.Empty) returns (.inventory.GeneralInventoryResponse) {
option (spawn.actors.view) = {
query: "SELECT product_id, name, warehouse_id, quantity FROM projection_actor"
map_to: "inventory",
page_size: "100"
: Specifies the sourceable actor and the action used to generate data for the projection.
It also specifies which projection actor action will be responsible for handling this request.
: Defines the SQL-like query for creating views.
: Specifies the target field in response (.inventory.GeneralInventoryResponse
) where query results will be mapped.
: The number of records that will be added to the declared list attribute in map_to
After defining the Protobuf, implement the projection actor using the Spawn Elixir SDK. For example:
defmodule MyAppxample.Actors.InventoryProjectionActor do
use SpawnSdk.Actor, name: "InventoryProjectionActor"
alias Inventory.{WarehouseState, ProductInventory}
action("Consolidate", fn %Context{} = ctx, %WarehouseState{} = product ->
|> Value.state(%ProductInventory{
product_id: product.product_id, # This will effectively upsert the permanent storage by updating the quantity of each product by its product_id
warehouse_id: update.warehouse_id,
quantity: update.quantity
Projection actors support custom queries defined in the Protobuf. Examples include:
: Retrieve consolidated stock for a specific product.QueryAllProducts
: Retrieve the consolidated stock for all products.Once deployed, a projection actor can be invoked like any other actor. Use the query attributes defined in the Protobuf to fetch desired data like in Elixir SDK:
alias Inventory.{ProductQuery, GeneralInventoryResponse}
alias Inventory.InventoryProjectionActor, as: InventoryClient
{:ok, %GeneralInventoryResponse{inventory: inventories} = _response} = InventoryClient.query_product(%ProductQuery{product_id: "some_id"}, metadata: %{"page" =>
"1", "page_size" => "50"})