

The recommended way to install Spawn is via our CLI tool.



Installing is very simple. First download and install our CLI in one command line:

curl -sSL | sh

At this point you will be ready to also install our Kubernetes Operator.

Assuming the Kubernetes context you want to install to is called minikube the command would be as follows:

spawn install k8s --context=minikube

See the demonstration below for a better understanding of the installation process:

Setting Up Operator

NOTE: For the full list of options use: spawn install k8s --help.

Alternatively, you can also install the Operator directly via the manifest file. The following command shows how this could be done directly via the command line:

kubectl create ns eigr-functions && curl -L{release-version}/manifest.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

NOTE: You need to inform the desired release version. For example:

kubectl create ns eigr-functions && curl -L | kubectl apply -f -

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